Night Sky
Date: May 10, 2025
Time: 8:00 PM Utah Time - 11:00 PM Utah Time
Join Pipe Spring National Monument Astro-Rangers as they showcase the pristine night skies of the Arizona Strip. As the sun sets, rangers will lead a nocturnal-themed program, leading to a star tour and telescope viewing of the cosmos. As an International Dark Sky Park, and partnering with the Kaibab Band of Paiutes whose Reservation lands are the world’s very first Dark Sky Nation, we proudly proclaim some of the darkest skies in the lower 48. Dress for the weather and bring a red flashlight for a night you won’t soon forget!
Location: Kaibab Paiute RV Park
Donations are used to finance the production of festival activities and are tax deductible to the extent allowed by law. You may also mail us a check.