You can usually find Steve Leavitt—a new biology faculty member—in the basement of the Monte L. Bean Life Science Museum, where he runs what is colloquially known as the “Lichen Lab.” With both a bachelor’s degree in plant sciences and a Ph.D. in evolutionary biology from BYU, Leavitt joined BYU’s faculty after five years of postdoctoral research at the University of Chicago’s Field Museum. An expert in lichenology, Leavitt—who is originally from Alpine, Utah—spent his childhood catching lizards and collecting plants. And when he isn’t teaching or researching on campus, he’s with his family doing “all the good, normal things” which, for the Leavitts, includes plenty of time outdoors, enjoying the diversity of God’s creation. Through teaching, researching and working with students individually, Leavitt hopes to fulfill BYU’s responsibility in helping “us all appreciate our roles as stewards of the earth.” Source:
Curriculum Vitae: