Cindy has been an avid lover of the great outdoors since serving as Communications Officer for the Outdoor Club in high school. Raised in rural Tennessee, she pursued a profession that offered opportunities for travel and outdoor adventure. She earned a degree in Parks and Recreation from East Carolina University and landed her first job with the National Park Service as an intern on the east coast of North Carolina at Cape Lookout National Seashore. Thirty years later, she retired as a division chief for Interpretation and Education from Klondike Goldrush National Historic Site in Skagway, Alaska. Cindy fell in love with the high desert while working for Joshua Tree National Park, one of her longest assignments. In 2021, she and her husband Karl made the exciting decision to move to Kanab and live among red rock cliffs. When Cindy isn’t walking with her dog, Roxy or hiking, she loves to write. Currently she is taking on-line classes in creative writing. She looks forward to sharing her passion with the Amazing Earthfest team to celebrate nature.