Date: May 15, 2023
Time: 5:00 PM Utah Time - 7:00 PM Utah Time
Length: Overview 29 minutes + Special Features 103 minutes
Topic: Restoring Forest Health
Location: Kanab City Library community meeting room, 374 North Main St, Kanab, Utah
Description: A century of fire suppression has significantly changed many western forests, leaving them overcrowded and susceptible to disease, pests, and catastrophic crown fires that endanger lives and property. Experts agree that reducing fuel loads in our forests lessen the chances of forest devastation. But until the Teakettle Experiment, conducted jointly with the U.S. Forest Service, deciding which method for doing so remained controversial.
This film documents a ten-year collaboration between forest managers and scientists from diverse disciplines investigating the effects of prescribed fire and forest thinning on restoring forest health. Special features include small mammals and forest ecology; climate change and forest management; science and forest management; pests, pathogens and drought; and forest restoration.
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