The Inspiration of Nature

Presented by: Amazing Earthfest

Arts & Culture

Date: May 10, 2025

Time: 12:30 PM Utah Time - 1:30 PM Utah Time

Inspired writing read aloud in a beautiful natural setting can bring about reverie! This experience, co-led by GSENM Ecologist Marc Coles Ritchie and Fr. Rick Sherman, Pastor, St. Christopher’s Catholic Church, will include environmental-spiritual writings from religious texts, poetry, philosophical writings or essays about our connection to, and appreciation for the natural world. Bring your favorite passage of three minutes or less in length to share, or just enjoy listening!

Location: A Location Near Kanab. Meet at the Kane County Office of Tourism, 78 S. 100 East, Kanab. Carpool to the site.

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Donations are used to finance the production of festival activities and are tax deductible to the extent allowed by law. You may also mail us a check.

Access to the events of Amazing Earthfest is free, however we recommend a one-time donation amount of $20 to cover admission to most events scheduled during the festival. There are a few exceptions, which are noted in the event descriptions, to cover the cost of food or performances.
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