Snake Gulch Rock Art Tour

Presented by: USDA Forest Service, Kaibab National Forest, North Kaibab Ranger District

Outdoor Adventure

Date: May 9, 2025

Time: 7:00 AM Utah Time - 1:00 PM Utah Time

Join Kaibab National Forest archaeologists for a 5-6 mile round trip hike to view some of the amazing rock art panels in Snake Gulch. Hike leaders will discuss the ancestral history of the Kanab Creek Wilderness and Kaibab N.F. Terrain is relatively flat, however there is no shade. Under clear skies, temperatures could reach 80-100 degrees. Dress appropriately and wear sturdy hiking boots, bring a small backpack, hat, sunscreen, lots of water and lunch. The drive to Oak Corral is mostly paved but forest roads are dirt and conditions vary. 4WD or AWD is recommended, particularly in wet weather. Limit 4 to 5 vehicles at the trail head (15 persons total).

Location: Meet at the Kane County Office of Tourism, 78 S. 100 E, Kanab. Carpool to the trailhead.

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Access to the events of Amazing Earthfest is free, however we recommend a one-time donation amount of $20 to cover admission to most events scheduled during the festival. There are a few exceptions, which are noted in the event descriptions, to cover the cost of food or performances.
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