Sacred Space for a Sacred Journey

Presented by: Father Rick Sherman


Date: May 10, 2024

Time: 4:30 PM Utah Time - 5:30 PM Utah Time

The sacred power of the desert wilderness is its capacity to stun us with stark beauty and a direct experience of the overwhelming power of the Creator.  An extended sojourn in the silence of wilderness invites, even forces us, into a deeper encounter with our interior lives and all the stifled emotions and intuitions screaming at us for reform.  Once we have emerged from the wilderness, we need an order of life that keeps us constantly in touch with our interior lives and a practice for sustainable living.

This presentation, facilitated by Father Rick Sherman, Pastor, St. Christopher’s Catholic Church in Kanab, will consider the model of the monastic village guided by the Rule of Benedict as a sustainable order of life. We invite you to share your thoughts in community conversation afterwards.

Photo Credit: Marge Harrison

Location: Kanab City Library, Multipurpose Room. 374 N Main St, Kanab, UT 84741

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