Regenerating Life

Presented by: Amazing Earthfest


Date: May 11, 2025

Time: 5:00 PM Utah Time - 7:30 PM Utah Time

Join others in a deep dive into the ecological underpinnings of the climate crisis by looking beyond carbon emissions from the burning of fossil fuels to humankind's relentless destruction of nature across the globe. Ultimately, it is nature - the vast biodiversity on our planet – that regulates and balances Earth's climate.

Learn how life itself regulates our climate through photosynthesis and the carbon cycle; the water cycle; the dung cycle; and a vast interconnected soil network of fungi, microorganisms, and plant roots. Enhance your understanding of the economic and political systems that have encouraged this destruction through the relentless quest for wealth and dominion.

Location: Kanab City Library

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Access to the events of Amazing Earthfest is free, however we recommend a one-time donation amount of $20 to cover admission to most events scheduled during the festival. There are a few exceptions, which are noted in the event descriptions, to cover the cost of food or performances.
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