From Global Change to Local Action

Presented by: Creative Community


Date: May 8, 2025

Time: 1:00 PM Utah Time - 3:00 PM Utah Time

Here’s an opportunity to gain perspective on addressing the many threats posed by our changing climate in the community where you live. A 30-minute moderated group conversation will follow screening of a talk originally delivered at the Smithsonian Environmental Research Center.

“Climate change isn’t just a problem for polar bears or future generations anymore – it’s affecting us here and now”, says Dr. Katherine Hayhoe, Chief Scientist for the Nature Conservancy and Distinguished Professor at Texas Tech University.

Highlighting solutions happening on the ground today, Dr. Hayhoe dives into what keeps people from acting on climate change and how to bring things closer to home. Untangling the complex science connecting our choices to future impacts, her talk highlights actions underway right now to combat this critical issue. Her life offers a realistic and hopeful story of one renowned scientist’s sustained effort to help humanity save itself.

This event will equip curious, open minded participants with the knowledge and inspiration needed to make a positive difference. Bring your notepad. Doomsters and dismissives please stay home.

Location: Kanab City Library

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