Documentary Film: A Concerned Citizen

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Date: May 9, 2021

Time: 5:00 PM Utah Time - 5:00 PM Utah Time

Time: Watch this film on Vimeo at your leisure any time between 5:00 PM Sunday, May 9 and 5:00 PM Tuesday, May 18, Mountain Daylight Time. (Length: 41 minutes)  You will need to register below to receive a link to see the film.

Topic: Civic Participation – Portrait of an activist

Profiles the inspiring work of toxicologist, author, and activist Dr. Riki Ott, who organized Gulf coast communities in their struggle to recover from the BP Deepwater Horizon disaster. As a lecturer and activist, she is spearheading a campaign called Ultimate Civics, a complete civics curriculum she developed that empowers students to participate in their democracy. Recognizing the power of money in politics she advocates for a constitutional amendment to end corporate personhood, and to reform campaign finance laws, inspiring students from fifth grade through universities and adults to take action and showing by example how one person can make a difference.

“This film is not just about oil spills and environmental activism. It is about the critical link between the concentration of economic power, and how that has led to the concentration of political power. Every citizen, regardless of where they are in the political spectrum, needs to understand how political polarization is driven by wealth polarization. We can have a more responsive democracy by learning the lessons offered in this film.” 

Daniel Craig McCool, Professor Emeritus, Political Science, University of Utah, Author, River Republic: The Rise and Fall of America’s Rivers

Awards: United Nations Association Film Festival, Wild & Scenic, Big Muddy, Friday Harbor, Morehouse College Human Rights, Northeastern Ohio International and
 Global Peace Film Festivals.

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