Duty of Care: The Climate Trials (documentary film)

Presented by: Amazing Earthfest


Date: May 16, 2023

Time: 7:00 PM Utah Time - 7:56 PM Utah Time

Length: 56 minutes

Topic: Climate change

Location: Kanab City Library community meeting room, 374 North Main St, Kanab, Utah

Description: See the story of Roger Cox, the first and only lawyer to have successfully sued both a government and an oil giant in landmark court cases that established climate inaction can be made illegal. His ground-breaking case against the Dutch government and oil giant Royal Dutch Shell has been foundational in determining that even private entities owe a duty of care to citizens to avoid catastrophic climate change, which stunned legal experts and sent shockwaves through parliaments and corporate boardrooms around the world.

Awards: DocVille, Braunschweig International, Matsalu Nature, Estonian Fund for Nature, Movies That Matter, Festival des Libertês, Human Rights, Films for the Earth, Sustainable Living & Global Health Film Festivals.

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