Kanab and the Milky Way, a Love Affair

Presented by: Dave Lane

Arts & Culture and Night Sky

Date: May 14, 2022

Time: 6:00 PM Utah Time - 7:00 PM Utah Time

The area around Kanab, Utah is a terrestrial wonderland; one that pairs extremely well with our galaxy, the Milky Way. Join master astrophotographer Dave Lane for a presentation that will focus on some of his favorite shots in the area and the backstory for capturing those shots. This session will include videos of setting up at night on the edge of thousand foot cliffs, daytime shots of the area, and pictures of the rigging needed to gather raw images of the night sky and landscapes that are forged into the stunning works of art for which Dave Lane is renowned. Come visit Kanab virtually in a new and interesting way and share Dave's love for the dark skies and memories of southern Utah.
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