Star Party 2024 (Friday)

Presented by: Stellar Vista Observatory and Amazing Earthfest

Night Sky


Time: -

Celebrate natural darkness by joining amateur astronomy interpreters from Kanab’s Stellar Vista Observatory for an evening observing the stars, planets, and Earth’s thin waxing crescent Moon inside the Winter Hexagon! We’ll begin with a conversation about the wise use of light at night, followed by a laser constellation tour and spectacular views of deep sky objects at the eyepiece of SVO’s powerful telescopes.

Photo Credit: Gabriel Biderman, Nightscapers Conference 2023, Kanab, Utah

Location: Kanab City Library parking lot. 374 N. Main St., Kanab, UT 84741

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Access to the events of Amazing Earthfest is free, however we recommend a one-time donation amount of $20 to cover admission to most events scheduled during the festival. There are a few exceptions, which are noted in the event descriptions, to cover the cost of food or performances.
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